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Mihai Ciobanu

Mihai Ciobanu

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Research Assistant +357 22 397 570

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Mihai Ciobanu joined CyI as a PhD student and Research Fellow at the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) in July 2024. His research focuses on developing and utilizing novel multi-ionization MS techniques for studying atmospheric new particle formation of organic bases, ammonia, and VOCs, among others. This work aims to shed a light on the role of the aforementioned aerosols and their reaction mechanisms on aerosol radiative forcing, thus striving to improve climate modeling.

Mihai Ciobanu received his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from University of Cyprus in 2022, where he conducted research in two different projects, dealing with simulations of polymeric materials and synthesis of state-of-the-art nanomaterials for optical applications. He then went on to complete a Master's degree in Nanotechnology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2024, where his thesis dealt with designing, developing and testing nanomaterials tailored for bioimaging. Regardless of the specific research topics and interests, Mihai Ciobanu's guiding philosophy remains steadfast: science for human health and welfare.

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