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Seminar: Machine Learning Approaches for Reverse Engineering Genome-scale Networks

Event Details:

  • Date:          Wednesday, 30 October 2024
  • Time:         Starts: 11:00
  • Venue:       This seminar is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the John Ioannides Auditorium, Fresnel Building, The Cyprus Institute.
                       Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)
  • Speaker:    Professor Srinivas Aluru, Regents' Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

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CaSToRC, the HPC National Competence Centre,
 invites you to the EuroCC-2 Seminar Series



Reverse engineering whole-genome networks from large-scale gene expression datasets and analyzing them to discover biological knowledge are important challenges in systems biology. While simpler models easily scale to large number of genes and gene expression datasets, more accurate models are compute-intensive limiting their scale of applicability.
In this talk, Prof. Aluru will present his group’s research over the last fifteen years in learning genome-scale networks and using them to extract new biological hypothesis. This includes network learning methods based on information theory, Bayesian networks, and deep learning, parallel algorithms to facilitate learning of large networks, and generating ensemble networks combining multiple approaches. The resulting networks can be used for predicting gene function and extracting context-specific subnetworks.


About the Speaker

srinivas aluruSrinivas Aluru is Executive Director of the Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) and Regents' Professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He leads the NSF South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub and co-leads the NSF Transdisciplinary Research Institute for Advancing Data Science. Aluru conducts research in high performance computing, data science, bioinformatics and systems biology, and combinatorial scientific computing.

He is a recipient of the NSF Career award, IBM faculty award, Swarnajayanti Fellowship from the Government of India, the John. V. Atanasoff Discovery Award from Iowa State University, and the Outstanding Senior Faculty Research and Research Program Development Awards from Georgia Tech. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, ACM, IEEE, and SIAM, and is a recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Golden Core and Meritorious Service awards.



About the EuroCC-2 project

EuroCC 2 will work to identify and address the skills gaps in the European High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem and coordinate cooperation across Europe to ensure a consistent skills base.

The role of EuroCC 2 is to establish and run a network of more than 30 NCCs across the EuroHPC Participating States. The NCCs act as single points of access in each country between stakeholders and national and EuroHPC systems. They operate on a regional and national level to liaise with local communities, in particular SMEs, map HPC competencies and facilitate access to European HPC resources for users from the private and public sector.

EuroCC 2 delivers training, interacts with industry, develops competence mapping and communication materials and activities, and supports the adoption of HPC services in other related fields, such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), high performance data analytics (HPDA) to expand the HPC user base.


This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101101903. The JU receives support from the European Union’s programme Digital Europe and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg , Slovakia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia. 


eurocc2                                     EN Funded by the EU POS



The seminar will be in English and the event is open to the public.
This seminar is hybrid. You may connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1).
Images and/or recordings of our open public events may be used by The Cyprus Institute for dissemination purposes including print and digital media such as websites, press-releases, social media, and live streaming.


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Additional Info

  • Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2024
  • Time: Starts: 11:00
  • Speaker: Professor Srinivas Aluru, Regents' Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

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