STARC Team Participates in 3D Documentation and Analysis of the Architectural History of the “Room of the Last Supper” at the Cenacle in Jerusalem
A still image taken from video footage shows a 3D model, created using advanced technologies, of the Cenacle, a hall revered by Christians as the site of Jesus' Last Supper, in Mount Zion near Jerusalem's Old City.
The Cenacle in Jerusalem is among the most important places for Christians – apart from being the room that hosted the famous “Last Supper” (The Easter dinner), it symbolises the location of many events narrated in the New Testament, such as the meeting place of the Apostles, the Washing of the Feet, resurrection appearances of Jesus or the gathering of the disciples after the Ascension of Jesus. Historical evidence of the existence of the building is documented since the 4th century, in the writings of the pilgrim Egeria.
The structure underwent several phases of construction, destroy and restoration, shifts of religion (it started probably as a synagogue, it became later a church, or part of a church and in the 16th century the building became a mosque, while today it is a visiting place open to all. Its architectural history is very complex, as the Wikipedia states: “...The building remains a frustrating, but intriguing, mystery...”, mainly due its long and complex architectural history.
In collaboration with The Israel Antiquities Authority, and as part of an on-going research partnership, the “Room”, along with adjacent spaces and the ground level structure known as The King David tomb, was 3D documented utilising STARLAB equipment with a field laser scanner by a team from The Cyprus Institute, led by Associate Professor Sorin Hermon and composed by Research Technical Specialists Marina Faka and Giancarlo Iannone and with the support of Associate Research Scientist Dante Abate.
The 3D model obtained was analysed from three distinct approaches: a metrical analysis (measurements and metrical comparison between features), stylistic analysis (overall shape of features, decorations and architectonic details) and scientific visualisation.
The story has received considerable international media publicity and articles about this research have appeared in the Japan Times, New York Times, Reuters, and on YouTube.
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