Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Position Email Telephone

Senior Web & Social Media Administrator +357 22 208716

Tim joined The Cyprus Institute in October 2015. He has an MSc in Information Systems and an honours Bachelor degree in Marketing. Tim has 23 years experience in IT. Prior to joining The Cyprus Institute he has held positions as web developer, database admin and project manager for private sector and governmental employers in Cyprus and UK.

CyI Commits to Iraqi Education and Cooperation in Addressing Climate Change, During Visit by President of Iraq, Dr. Abdul Latif Rashid

The Cyprus Institute at COP28: Advancing Science-Led Regional Climate Action

NOUS: A Pioneering Urban Sustainability Hub for a Greener Future

U-SOLVE: Wrapping Up the Final Project Meeting and Open Workshop with Success

Small Risk of Widespread Dengue Fever Outbreak in Cyprus

Revealing the Role of Chain Conformations in the Origin of Mechanical Reinforcement in Glassy Polymer Nanocomposites

Green Transition Through Solar Energy: Path to a Greener Future

WEFE4MED: PROTEAS as a Key Water-Energy Nexus Solution

Visit by the President of DHKO, Mr. Nicholas Papadopoulos

CY-MATHS-IN & SimEA Seminar: InSysBio: Modeling and Simulations in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology

Publications & Media