Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Position Email Telephone

Senior Web & Social Media Administrator +357 22 208716

Tim joined The Cyprus Institute in October 2015. He has an MSc in Information Systems and an honours Bachelor degree in Marketing. Tim has 23 years experience in IT. Prior to joining The Cyprus Institute he has held positions as web developer, database admin and project manager for private sector and governmental employers in Cyprus and UK.

FINALITY - Safe Learning for Large-scale Socio-technical Systems

AgReCOMPOSITES - Circular Recycled Plastic Biochar Products from Agricultural and Livestock Wastes

PROTECT - An Automated Model-based Surgical Planning Tool for Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy

MG4ML (Inno4Scale Innovation Study) - Multigrid Methods for Multilevel Approaches

ECHOLAYER - Sustainable nanofibers for sound insulating applications

AGORA 3.0 - Health Technology and Data Hub

ASPERIUM - Advanced Spectroscopy Research Unit for Sustainable Light Management

MELOMANES - Combination Therapy for the Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma using Magnetic Nanoparticles

ML-NANOCAT - Machine Learning Aided Design of Novel Nano-catalytic Materials

EUMASTER4HPC - European Master for High Performance Computing

Publications & Media