Team of the Urban PERIsCOPE Project Organizes Final Public Event
The project Urban PERIsCOPE (Portal for hERItage buildingS integration into the COntemPorary built Environment), INTEGRATED/0918/0034 that is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF), was concluded after 42 months and had its final public event on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 at the premises of the Department of Town Planning and Housing in Nicosia.
The participants had the opportunity to listen to Keynote presentations by Ms Irine Hadjisavva, Town Planning & Housing Authority and Athanasios Kolyvas Municipal Engineer, Strovolos Municipality on the current needs of the authorities and the expected impact of the use of the results of the project on their day-to-day operations for the monitoring and management of the historic neighborhoods of Cypriot cities.
The audience was further informed by the project PI, Associate Professor Georgios Artopoulos and the partners on the produced digital twins of Strovolos and Limassol and the cutting-edge processes developed for the integration of data generated by the scientific fields of Building Information Modelling (BIM), remote sensing, terrestrial and aerial laser scanning and phorogammetry, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and non-destructive testing into an innovative platform that highlights the significance of digital twins of heritage buildings.
The user of the platform is able to inspect the BIM models of the heritage assets along with their detailed parametrically designed building elements as well as observe their integration into their wider environment in a 3D GIS environment. Several CyI researchers contributed to the development of the Urban PERIScOPE, including Dr Dante Abate, Marina Faka, Marissia Deligiorgi, Dr Kristis Alexandrou, Regas Georgiou, Dr Christos Keleshis and the USRL team, Dr George Tsouloupas, Minas Trattou and the HPCF team.
The consortium of Urban PERIsCOPE consists of: The Cyprus Institute – Coordinator, Cyprus University of Technology, Frederick Research Center, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy), University of Catania (Italy), the Department of Town Planning and Housing, Strovolos Municipality, Limassol Municipality, HIT Hypertech Innovations, NetU Consultants and RTD Talos.
The Project PERIsCOPE INTEGRATED/0918/0034 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research & Innovation Foundation.
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